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Henna was purchased in 2018 and she is a Beautiful 6 year old Doe who has Proven to throw us some beautiful kids. She is one of our Top Does with JCP Tejas Bandito , MEW Ja Mocha , Coo Iron Horse , HGG Mystery Lady , along with Tay Onyx Genetics. We really love her coloring and she is a Wonderful Doe with Great Mothering Skills and kids unassistedly. She will remain Top Breeder of our Farm and we have Retain several of her Doelings and sold many of her Bucklings as they are definately eye catcher good quality kids. We are Very Pleased with Henna.
CLK Sandra Dee
100% New Zealand
Sandra Dee Born out of IAD Henna and JCP Highroller and is a Twin to to her brother Mr. Gary,
She is a beautiful Doe born in 2022 and we retained her as she has Great Genetics like her mama Henna. We are getting ready to breed her in November 2023 and look forward to seeing what she produces in the late Spring 2024.
IAD Esther
100 Percent NZ
IAD Esther was purchased in 2020 and she is another Top NZ Doe which we are pleased to have her part of our breeding team. She is a proven Doe that kids unassisted and excellent mothering skills. She is out of JCP Anna Bell and IAD Russel which comes from the JCP Highroller Genetics along with Mew Ja Mocha and BWP Speckles Mojo and HKF Warrior Son. She also has JCP Bandito and JCP Chickadee and EHR Son 's Bingo to make this a Beautiful Doe Genetic Build up .
IAD Katydid
100% New Zealand
We purchased Katydid back in 2017 from Ioneadream ranch here in Washington when we purchased our first 3 Kikos. Loved her coloring and she looks just like her Mama MEW Stella and with blue eyes. She is also our Top Doe. She was a triplet and we have also her Twin Sister Polly. Katydid has beautiful blue eyes and passes those genetics in her kids. We are this year retaining 2023 buckling Player Red Lorenzo which he has blue eyes. Look Forward to seeing more of what she throws this next year as we are breeding her to our first Speckled Kikos here in the Northwest.. Next Spring and Summer keep an eye on Katydid!!! Excellent Doe! Real pleased with her. She is Sired by JCP Tejas Bandito and carry genetics of HGG Mystery lady , HKF Conan, EHR Son's Bingo. Great Genetics
IAD Polly
100% New Zealand
We purchased IAD Polly about a month after we purchased her Sister IAD Katydid. Polly is a Beautiful Doe tan Colored and Great Mothering Skills. She doesnt carry the Blue genetics like her Sister does , but she sure throws some Beautiful good size kids. She like her Sister is Great Size Does and Represents the Kikos at its Best! Excellent Doe which we are pleased to keep her on Board as our Foundational Doe... She is the Daughter sired by JCP Tejas Bandito, and Mew Stella , HGG Mystery Lady , EHR Son's Bingo and much more great genetics that makes this Doe a Beautiful Doe
CLK Lady Moonshiner
100% New Zealand
CLK Lady Moonshine was born in the Spring of 2022. She is out of IAD Polly and sired by ZVA Diablo Moonshine. She is a Beautiful Doe and This year 2023 she will be going into the Breeding progran in November. She is a Beautiful Doe that carries Genetics of FAFA Diablo, CDR Midnight Song, MEW Stella, JCP Tejas Bandito, Sky S408 Sports Kat. Looking Forward to seeing what this Doe Produces. Its one of the only ZVA Moonshine Daughter that we have . Looking Forward to her Kidding in the Spring of 2024.
IAD Gabrielle
100% New Zealand
We Purchased IAD Gabrielle in 2020 and This Doe is the Daughter of JCP Arial and IAD Russel which is the Great Great Grandsire of JCP Highroller. This Doe is also the Granddaughter of JCP Triple G out in Tennyson Texas. This Doe is one of our Small Does of 115 pounds and she sure produces very well Above and Beyond. She kids unassisted , great mothering skills. We are blessed to have her on our Farm. She has some wonderful Top Genetics of MEW JaMocha , JCP Highroller, JCP Bandito , Coo Iron Horse and much more. Definately a Great Addition to our Farm and has become another Top Doe.
IAD Auroa Lee
100% New Zealand
IAD Aurora Lee was Purchased back in 2020 and was named after our Great Granddaughter. She is a Beautiful Red Doe with a Great Genetic backing her up. This Doe is one of our Top Breeders and has proven very well with great size kids and have done us well. We are pleased she is part of the herd. She has Great Mothering skills , unassisted deliveries and loves attention.. She is out of IAD Choc OLA which is out of MEW Ja Mocha, HGG Mystery Lady, has Many of JCP Highroller and JCP Chicadee and JCP Dena and HKF Conan along with Coo Iron Horse making this Doe a Fabulous Doe. She will remain as Top Breeder as she has proven to excell in our breeding program.
DDF Sierra Bear
100% New Zealand
DDF Sierra Bear named after our Granddaughter Sierra in Montana. This Doe is a Well proven Doe who throws beautiful spotted kids. She is out of DDF Koda and DDF Jublilee. She grew larger than her Mama Jubilee and has a Great Udder that produces plenty of milk making her a Great Doe and a Great Mama. She kids unassistedly. Some of her Great Genectics that Makes Sierra Great is SWL Terminator's XX GT , Sky W706 Pistol Pete, WSu5 Goldmines Heritage and WSU WAYSU Harriet and much more. She threw Beautiful Multi colored Doeling in 2022 which we retained out of JCP Highroller and this year a Beautiful Doeling and Buckling out of JCP Tejas Bandito. We are retaining both Buckling and Doeling as we Lost JCP Tejas Bandito to Coyote attack. I am Confident that these Kids will pass down excellent Kids in the future! Sierra will remain on our Farm as she is a Well Proven Doe
CLK Cherokee Rose
100% New Zealand
CLK Cherokee Rose born in 2022 is a Beautiful Special Multi colored Quilt Colored Doe. She was Sired by JCP Highroller and DDF Sierra Bear. She has Superior genectics from both sides and will be in our Breeding program this year as a FF in November 2023 and look forward to seeing what she throws.. She is another that has done very well no issues whatsoever with her.. We are over the hill to the moon and back happy with her and have confidence she will surprise us with her future kiddings.
CLK Sabrina
100% New Zealand
CLK Sabrina is out of JCP Highroller and JCP Chicadee both from Texas J and A Ranch. We are Very pleased with Sabrina and what she throws. She Kids unassisted and great mothering skills. We have not yet Registered her. She have proven to be worthy of and everyone loves her and her kids.. No issues with this Doe . Just as sweet as ever. We are blessed to have her part of our Farm and part of our Breeding Program.
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